ASP.NET Training
Learn ASP.NET from Experts in IT industry. We are the providers of ASP.NET Training in Rajkot and Ahmedabad with brilliant placements. By placement, course syllabus and practicals we have the BEST ASP.NET Training program in Rajkot. Web applications will often converse with people to resolve their issues. The web applications can do anything in the world.
ASP.NET can has been designed to acknowledge all upcoming changes and number of features revolving around the world. Silverlight, AZURE, WPF, WCF, are the brand new features that have been included in the ASP.NET. Development of ASP.NET is tremendous contrast with other web applications. Web services have played a real part in the development of is following the OOP standards to grow alongside the competitive market.
We will teach you the ASP.NET applications with current scenarios. Vastly experienced and corporate mentors will share knowledge during the classes.
ASP.NET Training at NLC
NCrypted Learning Center (NLC) provides the best in class corporate training program for ASP.NET that will export you from your classrooms right into the corporate world of real-time programming. The ASP.NET training program is designed for job seekers and enthusiasts interested in shaping their programming career as a ASP.NET Developer.
NLC is a corporate training & learning division of NCrypted Technologies which is a leading software company based in India and having clients and network presence across 40+ countries. The specialized ASP.NET training program is our initiative to train talented college graduates and post-graduates, groom and prepare them for a brighter career. Most of the ASP.NET development recruitment at NCrypted is through the ASP.NET training program at NLC only.
What is included with the ASP.NET training program?
Best-in-class ASP.NET Training designed for beginners
Theory & Practical Sessions with Experts from NCrypted itself
Live Project for Final Semester Students
Training Certificate
Corporate & Industry Exposure
Market Awareness
Soft Skills & Personality Development
Communication Skills
Software Engineering Fundamentals
Cultural Activities
Career Opportunity with NCrypted Technologies (NCT)
International Standard Practices & Methodologies
- What is Website, Domain, FTP
- Brief introduction of Website, Domain, FTP
- Types of Websites
- Types of Domain
- Basic concepts of Networking (DNS, IP, Email)
- Introduction of DNS
- Introduction of IP & IP Versions
- Introduction Email
- Security (Encryption, Decryption)
- Use of Encryption & Decryption)
- Basics of Software Engineering
- What is Software Engineering
- Software Cycle
- Requirements
- System Analysis
- System Design
- Code Design
- Testing
- Deployment
- Maintenance
- Updates
- Basics of Designing
- Introduction of Designing
- Elements of Designing
- Introduction to HTML& CSS
- How the HTML is parsed. What’s the actual requirement of HTML and parsing. What is web browser and how the http and FTP protocols are interrelated with each other in web world
- Role of CSS in HTML – Requirement of the CSS. Why was it come into the picture
- HTML Tags and other Elements
- Various tags, types of tags and their properties
- Applications of those tags
- HTML5 and their tags and differences
- CSS Types and Properties
- CSS1, 2 and 3 and their applications
- Role of W3C Validator in them
- Basics of Javascript/JQuery
- Introduction of Javascript/JQuery
- Javascript/JQuery Syntax, Variables, Data types, Functions
- Javascript validations
- What is validation?
- Types of validation (Empty, Email, Date, Numeric etc.)
- Client and Server Standards
- Introduction of Client Server models
- Client Server architecture
- .Net Framework and its utilities
- Brief introduction of .Net Framework
- Types of .Net Framework
- .Net Framework architecture
- Fundamentals of OOP
- Introduction of OOP
- Overview
- History
- OOP Concepts and its practical use
- Object, Class, Interface, Functions, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Syntax and Variables
- Introduction of C# and
- “using “,”class” keywords
- Comments in C# &
- Member Functions & Variables
- Conditional Statements, Loops
- Conditional Statements
- If, else statements
- If else if, else statements
- Loops
- While Loop
- Do Loop
- Do While Loop
- For Loop
- For Each Loop
- Controls
- Standard Controls
- Data Controls
- Operators
- List of Operators
- Arithmetic Operator
- Relational Operator
- Logical Operator
- Bitwise Operator
- Assignments Operator
- Misc Operator
- Arrays
- Introduction of Arrays in C#
- Array Syntax
- Array Example
- Namespaces, Delegates, Events, Collections
- Introduction of Namespace, Delegates, Events, Collections
- Example & Use of Namespace, Delegates, Events, Collections
- File Systems
- Introduction File Systems
- Use of File Systems
- Error handling and Exceptions
- Introduction of try, catch, finally, throw
- Syntax and Example
- Exception Class and Exception Handling
- Introduction to MVC Architecture and its advantages
- Introduction
- MVC Design pattern
- MVC architecture Components
- Advantages of MVC
- Understanding the Directory Structure
- MVC implementation
- Linking Model, View and Controller
- Creating Model Classes
- Creating Views
- Creating Controller Classes
- Linq
- Introduction to Linq
- Linq Query syntax
- Advantages of Linq
- Linq to objects, Entity, SQL
- Types of Linq
- Linq to objects
- Query in Entity Framework
- Linq to SQL
- architecture
- Introduction of .net architecture
- ADO.NET Components
- .Net Data Provider
- The Dataset
- Data Reader and Data Set
- LINQ to DataSet
- ADO.Net Entity Framework
- XML and ADO.Net
- Working with SQL Server 2008
- Introduction of SQL Server 2008
- Architecture of SQL Server 2008
- Create, Insert, Select, Where, Order by, Update, Delete statements
- Joins
- Types of Joins
- Syntax & Example
- Stored Procedures and Triggers
- What is Stored Procedures & Triggers
- Syntax & Examples of Stored Procedures & Triggers
- Stripe Payment Gateway
- What is Payment gateway
- Use & example of Paypal
- Overview of the Corporate and the Company
- Communication Skills
- Personality Development & Grooming
- Corporate Etiquette
- Group Discussion/Debate
- Resume Preparation
- Mock interview with Feedback
- Session by experts having experience in the International Industry